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you are very welcome!


You could now add - and MARRY..

... and then? Reminisce!  

Nice that you found your way to me and are taking the time to take a closer look around.

Weddings are such great moments that one would prefer never to forget. There is so much loving, long-term planning in your big day. In fact, he is much more. It is the beginning of a life together, full of love, laughter and emotions. I want to make your most beautiful moments and feelings that you have on this day last forever and put a smile on your face even years later.


Photo reportage

Price Guide



Die Stunde beinhaltet alle zeitlichen Aufwendungen sowohl am Hochzeitstag (Shooting), als auch in der Vor- und Nachbereitung (Beratung, Service, Bildbearbeitung)

ab 15 km zzgl Anfahrtspauschale

Bildmengen sind obligatorische Richtwerte.

Die tatsächliche Bildmenge ist abhängig von vielen Faktoren wie Wetter, Stimmung der Gäste, Art und Platz der Räumlichkeiten und vielem mehr.



An Samstagen in der Saison von Mai bis Oktober sind Fotobegleitungen ab 6 Stunden möglich.

6 Stunden Reportage, ca 500 digitale Bilder

im reportagestil bearbeitet,




10 Stunden Reportage, ca 600 digitale Bilder

im reportagestil bearbeitet,

online gallery,

Guthaben für Fotoprodukte* aus eurer Hochzeitsreportage im Wert von 50€



12 Stunden Reportage, ca 800 digitale Bilder

im reportagestil bearbeitet,

online gallery,

Guthaben für Fotoprodukte* aus eurer Hochzeitsreportage im Wert von 100€





Eine ausführliche persönliche Beratung in meinem Atelier gemütlich bei Kaffee oder Tee. Sollte das einmal nicht passen, dann per Telefon oder Livecall


Fotobegleitung am Tag eurer Hochzeit, oder

After Weddingshooting


6-8 Wochen nach eurer Hochzeit erhaltet ihr eure persönliche Onlinegalerie mit den schönsten Momenten eurer Hochzeit


grundoptimiert bearbeitet in meinem Bildstiel erhaltet ihr ohne Mengenbegrenzung alle schönsten Momente


 Gern berate ich dich zu deinem Wunschprodukt wie hochwertige Fotobücher, Triplexe, Leporellos, Holzdrucke, Wandbilder oder Drucke


Because your wedding is very special,

your memories of it should also be very special.

My job - emotional pictures


Over coffee & Co. we get to know each other and clarify all the important details.

video accompaniment

Photos are very important to us, but we would also like a video of our wedding in addition to the pictures!  

Of course, no problem! 

At home in the world


wedding destination

3 days photo reportage

Sardinia, Mallorca, Provence or the island of Rügen,  

Zittau, Bautzen, Görlitz, Dresden or Leipzig.  

You marry where love falls and where your heart beats. There, where the magic of love is immersed in the most beautiful light and the most dreamlike landscape is embedded. The wind blows through your hair and your sweetheart whispers in your ear: "Forever yours."

By the sea or in the mountains.

I'll be there for you, I'm happy to be there at the "Get Together" the night before. The campfire crackles on the beach, the mood of the guests who have arrived is warm and exuberant and the anticipation is written on their faces.

The day after the wedding still intoxicated, the smell of night coffee is in the air and a fresh breeze brightens up the day. You are now a married couple. Air on a little walk on the beach? Your unique and emotional report of 3 days rounds off your "wedding setting" perfectly.

We can't imagine a better photographer for our wedding! Laura's company is super pleasant, even before the wedding there was very individual communication and nobody else gave us so many valuable tips for our wedding.
The chemistry was right quickly (...)
The many great shots of our wedding day are of great value to us, which will always remain with us and we can continue to use them in many ways, we are currently making a film of our wedding, maybe a photo book will follow at Christmas...

Thank you Blueberry PhotoArt!

Matthew & Julia

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Empathetic, loving, young photographer in Zittau, shooting areas: weddings, pregnancy, newborns, babies, children, families. Authentic candid, real or fine art. For Zittau, Upper Lusatia, Saxony, Zittau Mountains, throughout Germany to the sea (Baltic Sea, North Sea) and beyond in Europe. Mediterranean wedding, destination wedding.

The cover photo above on the home page and in the newborn gallery was created in the workshop of individual coaching with Daniela Rettke Lichtbildkuenstlerei Fotografie. Thank you very much my love!

© 2021  Blueberry PhotoArt Owner Laura Jankowski I All rights reserved 

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